Installing SE.Live

Installing SE.Live on your machine.

(Please Note: You do not need OBS already installed to install SE.Live. It will automatically download the latest copy of OBS that it works with. If you have OBS installed already, then do not worry, it will not overwrite your settings by default as its just a plug-in for OBS)

  1. Click this link HERE to begin the download of SE.Live.

  2. Once your download is finished, open the download to begin the install.
  3. Once you install is finished, there should be a icon for it on your desktop. Double click it to open it. selive_icon.png
  4. You will be prompted with a login window to connect the plug-ins to the platform you use. Just click the "Connect with" platform that use and enter in your log-in information.
  5. Now that you have Logged in your OBS layout should have your "Activity Feed", Media Request, and "Chat".
  6. You have free range to move around the boxes/windows to suit how you will. If you close any of them and later want one of them back. In the toolbar click "StreamElements" and you will be presented with a drop down and will see the 3 options. Just simply click the one you would like back.


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