OBS Studio - Super Charge! Overlays Quick Import

Installing the Overlays – Super Charged (OBS Studio)

Check out the Supercharged Video tutorial! 

Before we import the Overlays, let’s cover a couple basics. With OBS Studio closed:

  • Please make sure you have installed the fonts shown in the “FONTS USED” section.
  • If you plan on using Streamlabels (the static text that updates when someone donates, follows, subs etc…), please make sure to have them installed.
  • Make sure to extract your “Overlays” download. You’ll want to make sure it’s a location that you want to keep.
  • To ensure no data loss of your previous scenes, we suggest creating a new “Scene Collection” using the tab at the top.
  • Please ensure your canvas is set to 1920×1080. Files > Settings > Video Base (Canvas) size.

The Super Charge script doesn't support MacOS at this time.


Now lets import the Overlays!

  1. Click on the "Tools" tab.
  2. Select "Scripts".
  3. Click the “+” Towards the bottom of the Scripts window.
  4. Navigate to your extracted “Overlays” folder and the “~OBS Studio – Quick Install” folder.
  5. Select the Quick Import “.lua” file and click “Open”.
  6. In the Scripts window, select the loaded script.
  7. On the right hand side of the window, you’ll now see the import options.
  8. If you want to set up all the Scenes shown in the list, click on the “Setup All Scenes” button.
    • If you only want to set up just specific elements included in the pack, you can change the drop down menu to “Sources”.
    • Click on the “Add…” button for the element you wish to add. This will add it to the current scene you have shown in OBS.
  9. Once you’ve click on the “Setup All Scenes”, click close on the Scripts window. You’ll now see all the scenes have been setup for you.



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