Installing OBS Studio

OBS Studio is the original free streaming software. There are many custom modified versions of it (Streamlabs OBS, SE.Live), however, this is the OG, with a great forum and community behind it! Complete the following steps to install OBS Studio.



  1. Head to the OBS Studio Website
  2. Click on Download for the system you're using
  3. If there's a warning, select the option to keep the download




  1. Head to the location of your download
  2. Double-click the installer file
  3. When the pop-up, "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device" appears, Click "Yes"
  4. On the next window, read and agree to the "License Agreement" by clicking, "Next"
  5. Select the location you want to install OBS Studio
  6. Click "Install"
  7. If you want to launch OBS Studio when it's finished installing, make sure the checkbox for "Run OBS Studio" is checked and click on "Finish"




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