Adding sources to Twitch Studio

Twitch has recently launched their own streaming software specific to the Twitch Platform. At the time of this article, it's still currently in beta, but has made leaps and bounds in the correct direction.

This article will show you how to add NerdOrDie resources to Twitch Studio.


How to add a layer:

  1. First, choose which scene to add your layer to. Twitch Studio defaults with some pre-made scenes. For our example, we'll go to the "Main" scene.
  2. Once you click on it, you'll see the layers that are in the scene.
  3. Click the "+" button next to the "Layers" selector.


*In this example, we removed all the sources in the layer already

How to add a Browser Source (alerts/widgets and StreamElements):

  1. After you click to add a layer, select "Browser Source"


  1. Ensure the "W" is set to 1920 and the "H" set to 1080, at the top right hand corner.
  2. Add your Browser Source link to the address bar line and click the Arrow to activate it.



How to add Media:

  1. After you click to add a Layer, select "Media" and click "Add".
  2. Click on the "Browse" button under "Media" on the right hand side of the page to choose your media.
  3. If you haven't uploaded your media already, click on the "Browse" button at the top left of the pop up window.
  4. Select the media you want to upload.
    • By default, it will only show images. Select the drop down to change it to all "Media" so you can see all your options.
  5. After selecting the item you want, click the "Open" button, then select the media from the "Media Library".
  6. Now that it's added, adjust the size to how you would like it.



Currently, at this time, Twitch Studio doesn't have the ability to use stream labels, as you have to reference a local text file. If you're wanting to use an overlay that includes stream labels, you can use StreamElements as everything is built into the one browser source.


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