Why Can't I download my Files?

Not being able to download your files can stem from various issues. We'll cover a few of them below.

Email link doesn't work

The email link from your purchase may no longer work if:

  • You've exceeded the download limit for your purchase.
  • We've recently updated the product.

If this is the case, please reach out to our support channels through Discord or the website so we can re-link your purchase and get access for you.

Can't find my purchase email

After purchasing a product, we'll send the confirmation and download links to the email you used during your purchase. If you're unable to locate that email, there's typically 2 reasons:

  • The email went to your SPAM/JUNK folder.
  • The email you entered was mistyped.

If you're unable to locate the email and need another one sent, feel free to contact us at the link at the bottom of the page, and we can send another one out.

If you're only needing the email to download the product, follow the steps in this article to create an account and the purchase should be automatically linked: I don't see my purchases on my account. How can I get access to them?




Still having an issue?

If you’re experiencing any issues with our products, please contact us!

Contact Us


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