Discord Community Guidelines

  1. Be respectful and kind to others.
  2. Keep the channels safe for work.
  3. Do not self-promote in any fashion including links to videos, Discords, or streams, unless the specific channel calls for it.
  4. If you have a support need, please head to the #help channel, and react to the message . This will create a support channel specifically for you with our customer service reps. Unless there is a current conversation going, all tickets will be manually closed 72 hours after creation, or 8 hours after lack of contact.
  5. If you've been approved as an affiliate with Nerd Or Die, head to the #affiliate-role-request channel and request the role be added. This channels is only for the request and we'll verify and add it as soon as we possibly can.
  6. Please do not DM anyone from the server without prior permission. This includes Nerd Or Die staff, Customer Service Agents or Mods. You will not get a response and will be removed from the server.
  7. Commissions are currently closed. There is not a time frame when they will be open again. We'll announce if/when they open again on our Twitter account: http://nerdordie.com/Twitter.


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