- Be respectful and kind to others.
- Keep the channels safe for work.
- Do not self-promote in any fashion including links to videos, Discords, or streams, unless the specific channel calls for it.
- If you have a support need, please head to the #help channel, and react to the message . This will create a support channel specifically for you with our customer service reps. Unless there is a current conversation going, all tickets will be manually closed 72 hours after creation, or 8 hours after lack of contact.
- If you've been approved as an affiliate with Nerd Or Die, head to the #affiliate-role-request channel and request the role be added. This channels is only for the request and we'll verify and add it as soon as we possibly can.
- Please do not DM anyone from the server without prior permission. This includes Nerd Or Die staff, Customer Service Agents or Mods. You will not get a response and will be removed from the server.
- Commissions are currently closed. There is not a time frame when they will be open again. We'll announce if/when they open again on our Twitter account: http://nerdordie.com/Twitter.
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