How to add/use "Masks" in OBS

Masks are used to "Mask" out or hide specific parts of an element by using an image to dictate what part to hide. We typically use these for webcams to give them a seamless appearance with our webcam frames. Here's how you use them:

  1. In OBS, right click the item you want to add a Mask to.
  2. Click on Filters.
  3. Click on the "+" at the bottom left corner.
  4. Click on "Image Mask/Blend".
  5. Name the Source.
  6. Depending on the type of Mask being used, you may have to change the "Type".
  7. Click on "Browse" next to "Path" to choose the mask.
  8. Locate the Mask you want to use and click "Open".
  9. Click "Close".

Take a look at the video below for a great tutorial and tips on using Masks!





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